NaPoWriMo, Day 6 (Apr. 6, 2014)

do this do that play the game
All my bidding shall be done
Go here go there run run run
One eye big and two eyes small
Either will do when you're not very tall
Hey there minion, what's with your pants?
They're different than the rest of the ants'!
Little blue polkadots... wait! what? polkadots?
You can't be you when I'm calling the shots!
You shall color your pants solid
like every other Sam and Sid
Hear the Funky Rap Version cuz there's an App for that!

#TinkerSketch Prompt was Polka Dots and I saw this lovely image on FaceBook, and made a protocol with toilet paper tubes, which is as fine as any method for using up the rolls! And then, whilst eating a Kinder Egg, inspiration struck, thus the result being better than the actual toy:)