Some POSITIVE things about our Situation, in which the thick layer of the atmosphere is causing temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth’s surface, allowing for the condensation of atmospheric water vapor to form into drops of water heavy enough to fall, making it to the surface. These two processes, acting together, are thus leading to the air becoming saturated leading to liquid participation:)
1. The rain is keeping the allergens down.
2. It is helping to keep our robins fed.
The following (#3 – #6) are from the Hamilton Spectator, Tuesday, May 17, 2011:
3. It’s a great time to plant evergreens, trees and shrubs, says Manfred Kastrau, an arborist and landscaper who owns a nursery in Hamilton’s east end. A long, cold spring is great for tree roots, which like cool, wet soil.
4. Remember all those air quality warnings in the early spring? Not this year. The rain helps keep pollution at bay.
5. Even if the summer turns hot and dry, all this rain now will help keep drought away, said Dave Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment Canada.
6. It’ll make us appreciate the sunshine more when it comes….
7. No sun burns!
8. Record-Breaking, and who doesn’t love to break a record?! From the Hamilton Spectator, Thursday, May 19, 2011: The Wettest Spring… Ever… It’s official. Wednesday night’s heavy downpour has pushed us well over the brink of what we actually needed to break a record this spring. With 27.2 mm of rain Wednesday, this spring is Hamilton’s wettest. Not only is it the wettest spring on record, it is also the wettest period we have had from January 1 to May 18. For the period March 1 to May 18, Hamilton has had a total of 381 mm of rain and snow. The record, prior to this, was in 1996 when we were showered with 363 mm. Since Jan. 1, we have received 497.1 mm of rain and melted snow, with the record being 493.9 mm. This year, we have completely smashed the record and we still have another week and a half to go. [email protected] (Well, aren’t we the over-achievers?!)
9. And, look at all the Loveliness…