The salmon work so hard but the water runs so fast. It holds them back; they push. They flail; they fail. It pushes them back, again. They keep trying, again and again. The water keeps rushing and raining; flowing and filling up the creek. The salmon keep rushing and rallying; floundering and falling back. Is it futile? It’s life; the will forces the way. But who’s will and who’s way? Who wins? Brains and brawn; Beauty doesn’t matter. The whole thing is beautiful. It inspires me. It depresses me. But the Salmon know: It’s better to die a big death than to live a small life. |
I love where I live and the joy that it gives: Dundas, Ontario, it's Our Valley-Town, Along Spencer Creek, where nature abounds. In my backyard, Great Beauty is found. Though I didn't always know, and I was sort of just a schmo; For it was not but several years ago... I'd trek along the trail, oblivious to the snails. Thumbs thumping iPhone, iPod pop tunes, head down, and wrapped in my own private sound. iMind my iBusiness, but now it seems I digress... In my middle-aged Nowadays, I listen to what the bird says, the clamouring cicadas, thundering and the creaky tree. The water is turning and churning, that cascading creek, rushing those rocks! If you really listen, you know that the creek truly talks. When it's inspiration that I seek I take myself out for a peek. Sitting on a rock by a creek I listen and hear nature speak. I see. And I'm in utter awe of many mighty, minuscule, meaningful moments: Oh, dear! A deer and me, we share a stare while the hare hops and the squirrel goes over the bridge. "You're an Artist. And it's a great place to Be," said the biker to the Dreamer. And, just so you know this is a true story, more or less, or less is more... Maybe it was all but a dreamer's dream, or a poet's poem? Here is the complete adventure in photographs:
Dundas, Ontario is a great place to exercise. I discovered the perfect place, a set of stairs near Hope Street, off Hatt Street.... After my exercise — 4 sets of 5 stair cases (5 x 52 stairs) x 4 = 1040 steps! — I took my time returning home along the Spencer Creek Trail..... Beauty envelops. The glowing warmth of the sun reminds us of the reason. Hubby and I went a’trekking ’round our Town, mostly in and beside Spencer Creek.
It can’t rain all the time. When the rain subsides and the sun emerges, it is our Duty and Great Privilege to get out there and Enjoy the Gift… “We live in this world when we love it.”
(Sri Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds #279, 1916) |
Along Spencer Creek, or, Why I Love Living in, Our Valley Town, Dundas, OntarioI love Dundas so I'm gonna show it with my pictures! ~ Navajo Prayer ~
******************* In beauty may I walk. All day long may I walk. Through the returning seasons may I walk. Beautifully will I possess again... Beautifully birds... Beautifully joyful birds... On the trail marked with pollen may I walk. With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk. With dew about my feet may I walk. With beauty may I walk. Archives
November 2018