I'm having a bit of trouble getting in the poetry groove. I guess you can't force these things, So, I'll just relax and let it happen in its own time... After deciding this, I wrote a poem... inspired by an old drawing and my sleeping cat! Bottom Left: The Process. Bottom Right: Oops, I woke up the cat; Miss Punga does not seem overly impressed.
![]() It's April; it's National Poetry Writing Month - or, NaPoWriMo, as we poets affectionally call it:) Join me in this venture of creative wordplay; it may just make your day! Check out the official NaPoWriMo2016 website to add your site to the participant's list and get going! Since last April, I have taken a 6-week workshop through Coursera, called Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop with Douglas Kearney, which was my first ever poetry workshop and it was pretty cool, and free! Poems from the workshop, and others since last NaPoWriMo:
Official NaPoWriMo2016 Prompt: Write a lune. This is a sort of English-language haiku. While the haiku is a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable count, the lune is a three-line poem with a 5-3-5 syllable count. There’s also a variant based on word-count, instead of syllable count, where the poem still has three lines, but the first line has five words, the second line has three words, and the third line has five words again. Either kind will do, and you can write a one-lune poem, or write a poem consisting of multiple stanzas of lunes. I turned something I came up with yesterday (in response to something that caught my eye on Facebook), into my Lune poem, using the syllable count pattern of 5-3-5. It might be kind of fun to use the variant of word count 5-3-5. And, I may even attempt to make a poem from scratch, intentionally using this poetic form... Without further ado.... Here is my Day 1 poem:
Here's an inspirational tune to get us all going: |
Today is a great day to create a great day.This site is my attempt at gathering all of my creativity that I have strewn about out 'there'.... ![]() Everyday Art Every Day by Nicola Schneider is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://everydayarteveryday.weebly.com. Archives
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