A poem using the 'em' sound, a bit of piano playing, and 3 years worth of Instagram photos became this project!
It's cold and it's snowy in Canada in January but vow to be happy, despite the cold! Wear your favourite winter woollies and get out there! Happiness doesn't just happen so plan for it to happen; in fact, don't accept anything less! LIFE is a special occasion. And each individual moment that make life are special, too. Of course, a good life needs good health, so DANCE with the spirits - Zumba, perhaps! - Stay ACTIVE (& stay hydrated) to stay HEALTHY. GROW a PASSION - a passion for creating. Get your ZZZs and LET's GET HAPPY... get ready!, already! You got this. Make life a meaningful journey... be tasty. Normal? Really? Normal is clearly over-rated. Normal is boring! Never settle FOR GOOD ENOUGH. Imagine the world... it is often irresistibly surprising! Unleash the PASSION. Make a splash! BE STRONG! Lab 1 -->> Smartphone 30/30...This project emerged as a result of Lab 1 in Steve Sonheim's Creative Photography Lab - 52 Fun Exercises for Developing Self-Expression With Your Camera. It's time to go beyond the single snapshot. The objective is to capture an experience by shooting a series of images. Tell a story by taking thirty shots in thirty minutes with your Smartphone. Take a shot of whatever grabs your attention at one-minute intervals. Don't think - just shoot! Okay, here's what happened... My ride didn't show up one day last week so I hustled to the bus stop to get the right bus; the one that drops me off right at my door! But, alas, the wrong bus showed up first. (Everybody knows that bus schedules, much like the Pirate Code, are more like guidelines, really.) When I got off the bus, I faced a thirty minute JOURNEY HOME...
Splashes of colour command a second glance. Here's to Happy Trails and Happenstance! ... I learned that sometimes wrong is only frame of mind;
Wrong is right if you make it so! It's cold and it's snowy in Canada in January but vow to be happy, despite the cold! Wear your favourite winter woollies and get out there! Happiness doesn't just happen so plan for it to happen; in fact, don't accept anything less! LIFE is a special occasion. And each individual moment that make life are special, too. Of course, a good life needs good health, so DANCE with the spirits - Zumba, perhaps! - Stay ACTIVE (& stay hydrated) to stay HEALTHY. GROW a PASSION - a passion for creating. Get your ZZZs and LET's GET HAPPY... get ready!, already! You got this. Make life a meaningful journey... be tasty. Normal? Really? Normal is clearly over-rated. Normal is boring! Never settle FOR GOOD ENOUGH. Imagine the world... it is often irresistibly surprising! Unleash the PASSION. Make a splash! BE STRONG! I really love this project! I happened to have done some vision board collages last year and the year before:
Day 1: Create and name your intention. "Intention is like a road map that will take you to the right place*". *Sara Aurora Waters' words:) I am a person who will do better focusing on one month at a time, so rather than making an intention for the whole year, I'm going to make this my January Intention... I enjoy creating as a way to relax. Pretty colours make me happy, as does the beautiful tones that come from my black and white piano keys. Just as the ebony and ivory tickles my ear drums, creating images and words pleases my soul. I feel happy when I see (or hear) my own creations and I'm proud of my own creativity. In fact, I know that my creativity helps me be an awesome teacher!
Today is a great day to create a great day.This site is my attempt at gathering all of my creativity that I have strewn about out 'there'.... Everyday Art Every Day by Nicola Schneider is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://everydayarteveryday.weebly.com. Archives
February 2023