... And then I had a bit of a creative tantrum, which was super cathartic. I feel much better, thanks. A poem using the 'em' sound, a bit of piano playing, and 3 years worth of Instagram photos became this project! It's cold and it's snowy in Canada in January but vow to be happy, despite the cold! Wear your favourite winter woollies and get out there! Happiness doesn't just happen so plan for it to happen; in fact, don't accept anything less! LIFE is a special occasion. And each individual moment that make life are special, too. Of course, a good life needs good health, so DANCE with the spirits - Zumba, perhaps! - Stay ACTIVE (& stay hydrated) to stay HEALTHY. GROW a PASSION - a passion for creating. Get your ZZZs and LET's GET HAPPY... get ready!, already! You got this. Make life a meaningful journey... be tasty. Normal? Really? Normal is clearly over-rated. Normal is boring! Never settle FOR GOOD ENOUGH. Imagine the world... it is often irresistibly surprising! Unleash the PASSION. Make a splash! BE STRONG! I really love this project! I happened to have done some vision board collages last year and the year before:
It's going to be a creative year! And, to help with that, I've joined Creative Flow with Sara Waters January Challenge that I found on Facebook; I decided that it would be so cool to start the year out creatively and share it at the same time that others are doing the same thing! Together, we can be even M0RE creative, and good things are bound to follow:) Check out more & sign up, here! Inspired by Christmas gifts... And new & old art supplies.... In honour of this upcoming period of creativity, I decided to make an anticipatory project... and whilst reading the introduction of the collage lab book (pictured above and pictured here), I was inspired by a picture. Here's my version... an original mixed media collage, featuring my original photography (bird and butterfly). Resources: Sara Aurora Waters website: http://creativeflow.squarespace.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SaraWatersCreativeFlow/timeline * when you register, you have access to a closed Facebook group to share creations & encourage other creative beings, plus Pinterest, too! Feel free to join me in this wonderful creativity challenge:)No Matter shall every be destroyed. Even a cookie survives- That one time, as I pitter-pattered with Your platter of cookies... Well, I fumbled And I stumbled Before I tumbled. I was troubled as the pieces doubled, all crumbled and crumpled. Humbled and puzzled, Screams muffled as I struggled with the smuggled, jumbled treats and platter. The latter was flatter as it scattered and splattered, all battered... You should have heard the clatter! I heard the laughter long after this disaster of JUMBLED MATTER. |
Today is a great day to create a great day.This site is my attempt at gathering all of my creativity that I have strewn about out 'there'.... Everyday Art Every Day by Nicola Schneider is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://everydayarteveryday.weebly.com. Archives
February 2023