Here’s what happened…. Wednesday, June 19 – evening time…

I surveyed my mess - I mean my piles of ideas & art supplies & old sketchbooks - all wobbling precariously in the breeze… and I thought – nope! this summer, I will do neater art & I will put away the paints and the myriads of future art bits that most people (say, my hubby** might call crap).
![]() Instead, I shall write. That is neat and tidy sort of activity. I only need my computer or iPad, or my notebook and something to write with*** (see side venture at side). Cool. I have a plan. Like, I actually wrote down my plan. I made a post-it note: Find writing books/binders... Easy peasy. I know where it is. It is right here, beside me, all nice & accessible from the last time I was going to focus on this particular task. Um… okay, it is in or under one of these piles, so I just need to sort the piles…. Tomorrow😊 The next day... | * Asterisks * Extra Bits * ** Hubby doesn’t actually care about the piles. We are both fairly chaotic & will never leave each other because we work (& likely no one else would have either of us!) *** Side venture – but which pen? My favourite pen? Which one? Maybe I should test all these markers & pens to make sure I am using the write one, too right…. (you can probable tell by the fact that I've shared 3 pen poems , that I feel strongly about pens,* which could likely be a few more stories for another day) **** the cat poos & the importance of good digestive health ***** we are not hoarders, but we just have a lot of stuff ****** Methinks I should learn how to use footnotes on Word |
I found the plan. Bom bomb om….

Bom bomb om….