one one sun many moons one love many tombs one earth many rooms many fumes few blooms many ruins go boom with doom now gloom it looms fill the saloons escape tycoons big goons human hoodlum unions loosen delusions or grow illusions as we consume do not assume hope floats like 99 bloated red balloons going by before they deflate as laws dictate it’s innate relate, mate ? one faith would be great too late many fates many hates one earth one sun one love one hope (March 8, 2019) |
NAPOWRIMO Prompt: Write a poem based on a “walking archive.” What’s that? Well, it’s when you go on a walk and gather up interesting thing – a flower, a strange piece of bark, a rock. This then becomes your “walking archive” – the physical instantiation of your walk. If you’re unable to get out of the house (as many of us now are), you can create a “walking archive” by wandering around your own home and gathering knick-knacks, family photos, maybe a strange spice or kitchen gadget you never use. One you’ve finished your gathering, lay all your materials out on a tray table, like museum specimens. Now, let your group of materials inspire your poem! You can write about just one of the things you’ve gathered, or how all of them are all linked, or even what they say about you, who chose them and brought them together.... I walked by the crick and back home up my street and snapped some pics. Then I photoplayed and created a wee scene... A Drunken Tale (At the Local Watering Hole)Wise turtle tells me tall tales of ye old Captain Fundas
who’s quite known for his specific brand spitfire sass. He lives at his lighthouse, never raising his brows when the fish fan outwards, away from the birdy buzzards, for frisky frolics further upstream. Was it all but a dream.... in a little fishing town, a little further down than that other nifty place, where I saw your pretty face? (conceived April 24, 2020, recrafted and finalized April 25, 2020) It’s a nonsense poem, not really saying anything, But it’s whimsical And quirky perky:) The prompt from April 13 was to write a non-apology for something stolen... so I found these words from magazines...
I’ve stolen these words, and for that I’m not sorry. They’ve spoken to me; they told me this story: Battle by the creek:
Red squirrel defends domain; On offense now, a chase ensues. It can’t be that bad -- nuthatches laugh. Woodpeckers go about their day, knocking all the way. Crow butts in, causing chaotic scattering. Turkey vulture circles, joined by a kettle looking to kill. Here, life goes on. Robin announces it’s Spring. Dark eyed and grey Juncos peeping in the shadows of the earth. Squirrels galore, gathering and chittering. Laughing Cardinal love is in the air; Red croons to his love. She, joins him — a fine pair! Mourning dove laments — We can never be who we were before. Doggy days indeed. And still -- We laugh. Prompt: place (at this time) First Draft... Mar 19/20, 2020 ( #lifeinatimeofcorona #artinatimeofcovid #keepcalmandcreate #missnikki_poetry #everydayarteveryday ) Tumultuous Times (2020)opulent pearly pink, incandescent sky,
sultry sherbert sashays, radiating hope in rocky times oh, the iridescent greening! permeates pandemic panic and, like a colouring book, vivid rainbow petals burst. then, bugs buzz back, into my life like death hugs.
It's cold and it's snowy in Canada in January but vow to be happy, despite the cold! Wear your favourite winter woollies and get out there! Happiness doesn't just happen so plan for it to happen; in fact, don't accept anything less! LIFE is a special occasion. And each individual moment that make life are special, too. Of course, a good life needs good health, so DANCE with the spirits - Zumba, perhaps! - Stay ACTIVE (& stay hydrated) to stay HEALTHY. GROW a PASSION - a passion for creating. Get your ZZZs and LET's GET HAPPY... get ready!, already! You got this. Make life a meaningful journey... be tasty. Normal? Really? Normal is clearly over-rated. Normal is boring! Never settle FOR GOOD ENOUGH. Imagine the world... it is often irresistibly surprising! Unleash the PASSION. Make a splash! BE STRONG! I really love this project! I happened to have done some vision board collages last year and the year before:
No Matter shall every be destroyed. Even a cookie survives- That one time, as I pitter-pattered with Your platter of cookies... Well, I fumbled And I stumbled Before I tumbled. I was troubled as the pieces doubled, all crumbled and crumpled. Humbled and puzzled, Screams muffled as I struggled with the smuggled, jumbled treats and platter. The latter was flatter as it scattered and splattered, all battered... You should have heard the clatter! I heard the laughter long after this disaster of JUMBLED MATTER. NaPoWriMo, Day eight is late, but such is fate! I did a week - a full week! - and then..... Playing catch-up:( No pressure; it's all good:) I do have a bunch of partially written poems, though. This poem is a variation on the Oulipost prompt from day 9, which I did for my Day 8 poem, thereby making it a day early:) Ha! Instead of newspaper, I used the flyers... Blowout! Don't miss this great deal Hot deals! For less Always more for less Everyday savings! Shop this weekend Special buy Limited time offer Guaranteed unbeatable Big savings Great deals I want that No interest, no payments ... .... For up to 12 months Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Or your money back. |
Today is a great day to create a great day.This site is my attempt at gathering all of my creativity that I have strewn about out 'there'.... Everyday Art Every Day by Nicola Schneider is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Archives
February 2023