NaPoWriMo, Day 7:
Hope Floats Anyway
Afloat, afar and away -
an angry balloon bursts,
Coasting clearly down,
Evil eats Everything & erodes, entering efficiently even when I
Fight for freedom from forces forever favouring the favoured, flavoured with fortunate fate.
The fight gets going & I'm greeted by grey ghosts gathering graciously in hopeful homes inhabited happily & hungrily by hideous heroes who hear holiness in idiots & ingrates, incessantly judging,
joining in Kindred kahoots.
We long for love lost,
Mourn for mornings of memories; of misty maybes through a mostly murky mayhaim of mindless,
Non-existent nonsense - Nevermind.
Nobody knows.
Others Only over-obsess obnoxiously, otherwise
Poor pretty perfect people possibly
Questioning -quos; Quasimodo
Rock stars sailing & soaring atop, too tall towers.
Terrible tragedies & truths torment us.
Understanding unites
Vastly varied
Wisdom-seekers wandering willfully
Extracting & exuding extra-hope, yakking & yapping, yelling & yawning, the yea-Sayers of yesterday have
#TinkerSketch prompt was clouds. It was challenging to write my poem, today. I just played around with alliteration & the alphabet -- ooh, an Abecedarian Alliteration Attempt! -- hey, it counts for a full week:)