#Poetember ... For the poets out there, this month we are introducing the brand new poetry challenge, ‘Poetember.’’ We are challenging you to write and share a poem every day throughout September!
- Write a poem every day in September.
- You can write a poem about any topic you like, but we’ll provide optional prompts if you need them.
- If you choose to share your work on social media, don’t forget to link and tag us in your post (details shown below) We might even feature your work on our blog!
Prompt #1 - Calm Stormy Weather Crow caws the alarm, Flapping ferociously. Gales grab at fancy flyers; End is nigh. Thunder grumbles cuz it knows. A calm and balmy, sultry breeze; Allure of safety - falsely so. A power-hungry forceful fork Explodes its light upon The dead still Of a break in putrid heat. Bird song resumes. First round results: Victory to the light. Dark recedes, for now. Though its presence duly noted By the mammoth rain drops splatting on my screen. |
Prompt #2 - violet Violaceous Amethystine I saw her there in a room: livid lavender in the canister smells all purple and lilac-y a plum petunia, Violet vavoomed a violent viola she, Violaceous Amethystine, a mauve orchid, and I, a hyacinth painted pansy magenta, crouched next to the Spider lighter sitting on the floor, fallen |
- a note on method - I looked up the prompt word in the thesaurus and combine words based on sound; ‘spider lighter’ is a random pleasant sounding object that was part of my physical world at the time; gradually an image appeared in my mind, and a mood...
- Violaceous Amethystine is a viola-playing beauty. The narrator is a mere common man, crouched low on the floor, watching his love perform.
- It is unclear as to whether she even knows he exists...